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Oakfield Primary School Carrickfergus

Nursery Mrs Wylie - Snow much fun!!!

31st Jan 2019

We have had so or should we say snow much fun exploring, investigating and thinking about our topic. We have been learning about polar animals. We now know that a polar bear will never eat a penguin!! Why don’t you ask us why? We have been singing about the polar bear living ‘way up North’ and using our bodies to move just like penguins.

We really enjoyed having snow and ice in our water tray. We used our senses to describe it! It was so exciting watching it melt! We couldn’t wait to get outside each morning to discover what had happened to the melted ice and snow. Jack Frost did not let us down! He was out and about and the water had frozen again! Even the mud in our mud kitchen was frozen solid!

We’ve also been sorting, matching, pairing and looking at patterns. This has come in very "handy" with so many gloves and mittens to sort at the end of each outdoor session. Perhaps you could give us a job at home to further develop this skill.

We are now super independent at snack time! We have been buttering our own toast, pancakes and muffins and doing the dishes afterwards!