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Oakfield Primary School Carrickfergus

Pancakes, pyjamas and playing in the snow in Nursery - Mrs Wylie!

28th Feb 2020

We've had quite a month in Nursery! 

We’ve learnt all about healthy eating and how important it is to look after our bodies and teeth. We had a visit from Monkstown Dental and set up our very own surgery. Sorry, we are not taking any more new patients at this time but we would be happy to share how best to look after your teeth with you!

We had a ‘flipping’ great time on Pancake Tuesday. We made pancakes and choose our own toppings! We used the ingredients in our water tray to make our own pancake batter and had a go at flipping the pancakes at our dough table. 

Our P6 buddies joined us and we worked together to put Humpty Dumpty back together again. We taught the P6 children the pancake rap too.

We made snow angels, footprints and snowballs and had ‘snow’ much fun!

We ended the month with our ‘PJ Day’. So much excitement! It rained all day but but we still had a super day. Thank you to all our family members who joined us for ‘stay and play’.