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Oakfield Primary School Carrickfergus

Fly away little butterfly... Nursery learning..

31st May 2019

We were very excited to have live caterpillars in our classroom. We watched as they grew bigger and bigger each day. We were completely fascinated as the caterpillars spun their chrysalides. Then we had to wait very patiently and only use our eyes to look and watch as we didn’t want to disturb the chrysalides! 

At last the waiting was over and we were amazed to see butterflies flying around in their special garden. We loved seeing the beautiful patterns and colours on their wings. Next it was time to release our butterflies. We even saw one butterfly using its proboscis to drink nectar from a daisy! We had the opportunity to hold a butterfly before waving a final farewell and watching them fly away.

We celebrated by having a party with different food to remind us all about the lifecycle of a butterfly that we had so much fun learning about. We made caterpillars using grapes and strawberries. Don’t they look great! We also made butterfly shaped sandwiches!